Tuesday, June 30, 2015

As promised

Well, as promised here are a few of the 12x12s I am working on.

I changed the background paper of this page 
I will try and post an updated photo (It maybe when the book is 
finished and I post all the finished pages though. 
Maybe sooner but NO promises! LOL 

Obviously these are not finished but I am working on an album for my daughter. My granddaughter is already a year old so I really better get busy. I have done other projects so I have been working. I will try and post the paper bag mini album I made for her. It is finished except for the photos. I am very bad about not getting my photos printed. All my photos live in cyber space. I do look at them on the computer often but I need to get them printed and into scrapbook albums. 

I have so many projects going. I need to sit down and just finish each project one at a time. I need to finish the one that is closest to being finished then go to the next one. I don't know why I can't seem to do that. I guess other things come along that are a little more important. ...I know it's June my new resolution is to finish one project at a time until I am caught up. (with the exception of a wedding album that has to be finished by July 25 for a friend's wedding) LOL see why I don't get done with all the projects I start. 

Ok that is enough for today. I have uploaded 5 photos and did a little work on this blog (now to get busy on the scrapbooks. I promise I am trying to get things finished and posted. Right now I am in the middle of making hair bows to sell at a local July 4th celebration (which starts in 3 days) I still have lots and lots of hair bows I want to make. I need the extra cash, this scrap-booking hobby can be quite expensive ha ha  Plus like I said I am making a wedding album scrapbook for some friends for a wedding gift (wedding July 25) so I have to get busy and  get that finished. I will take some photos before I give it to them. (Promise) That's all for today


CardmakerMOM aka Tracy 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Meet Alivia Grace

Welcome Miss Alivia Grace (stealer of my heart)

Meet Miss Alivia Grace. The love of my life. This was taken back in Nov 2014. She was only 5 months old. She is now over a year old. She is walking, trying to talk and has 10 teeth. What a difference a few months makes. This is the reason I don't get onto the computer to blog much anymore. See all that hair! That is why grandma is always making hair bows... she needs one for each outfit she has ...so you can imagine the collection we have. 

I am going to make this short but I wanted you to see some of the reason why I have not been keeping up with this the way I had intended to.


CardmakerMOM aka Tracy

Sunday, June 28, 2015

I know, I know, I know... I keep saying I am going to stick with this.

Why does life get into my way?

I know, I keep saying I'm going to stick with it and I truly mean it when I say it. Life just gets into the way. You know, the mundane things you have to do everyday. Not the fun stuff we like. LIKE card-making or scrap-booking or even making my beautiful little granddaughter hair bows! I really am going to try to stick with this and I MEAN IT!!! 

Right now I am busy with my granddaughter Alivia as well as making her pretty hair bows to wear. Trying to keep up with my first love "card making" and trying to do a little bit of scrap booking on the side. I want to make an album for Alivia plus a memorial to dad and mom. Today is the 2 year anniversary of daddy going to heaven to join mother.  (so I'm a little emotional today) 
I will get the camera out I PROMISE! and add some pictures in the next couple of days. I want to show you some of the pretty bows that I've made and let you see what other fun stuff I've created. I actually have been thinking a lot about making some YouTube videos. I have not started it because I can't seem to keep up with a daily/weekly blog ha ha ha.  How on earth can I do videos too.

Anyway, That is what is going on in my little corner of the country side. (out here in Indiana) I am busy as ever. I feel like a hamster on a wire wheel spinning in circles. Running as fast as I can to catch up only to go nowhere. Just about the time I think I maybe able to get something done, my fibromyalgia rears it's ugly head and I'm down for a day or two (sometimes longer) 

1st Thank-you for being patient with me
2nd I will post some pictures
3rd I will try harder to at least do a weekly BLOG (how about that)
Please be kind with some comment love if you visit (I'd love to hear from you) It's like getting a letter when the postman stops EVERYONE loves to get cards in the mail (I don't care how old you!) 


CardmakerMOM (aka Tracy)